On my 1995 trip to East Central Europe I hooked up with some fellow Canadians in Vienna. One was a classical music enthusiast. I tagged along with them on an excursion to a graveyard outside of Vienna where many notable Austrians (and some Germans) of the 19th century were buried. I assume that he brought a map with him or one was provided at the entrance.
- Chris
Thanks for the contribution, Chris. The funny thing is that I have really haven't made any effort to find the grave of anyone famous (with the possible exception of the Voodoo Queen of New Orleans). For example, when I was in Paris, it never occurred to me to seek out Jim Morrison's gravesite. I'm leaving for Florida next Friday and touring the Keys with a friend from work - apparently there are some very famous graves in the Key West cemetery, maybe I should try to find someone noteworthy.
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